I'm very touched by all the moral support I've been receiving, directly and indirectly, from friends visible and invisible, over these concerts. Special thanks to Bart at The Well-Tempered Blog, where our Elgar gig takes second place only to detailed reports of nothing less than the Van Cliburn Piano Competition (which sounds as if it has a worthy winner in Alexander Kobrin).
Lack of blogging here this week is not only down to practising but also to the fact that I have to finalise the text of my novel NOW. It is about to go off to be typeset, which means that anything that I don't change now will probably outlive me on a shelf somewhere. Today I also had my first glimpse of the "blurb", or draft for it, that will go on the back cover. When I started my 'professional' life, thinking it would be nice to combine music and writing, I never thought that I'd find myself preparing my "first" novel for typesetting AND doing my first full-length, ticket-selling recital since student days within the same WEEK at the age of - oh well, never mind...
As if that wasn't enough, my brother got married on Saturday!
By the end of this week, both novel and concerts will be complete and I can get back to blogging in earnest.