Tuesday 17 June 2008, 7 for 7.30pm
Philippe Graffin (violin)
Claire Désert (piano), Jessica Duchen (author)
Queen’s Gate Terrace Concerts, 49 Queen’s Gate Terrace
South Kensington, London SW7 5PN
We're delighted to announce that Philippe Graffin is planning to record a fascinating programme of Hungarian and Hungarian-influenced music to complement my novel Hungarian Dances. This very special fundraising concert to back the project will be held in the beautiful music salon of 49 Queen's Gate Terrace. It's a one-off opportunity to hear him and Claire Désert perform music that will feature in the recording, and I will be reading extracts from the book.
The programme includes works by Bartók, Brahms, Dohnányi and Ravel.
Tickets are £40, to include wine and Hungarian canapés, payable in advance by cheque or PayPal. Early booking recommended, as places are strictly limited.
To book, please email me.
Download a PDF flyer here.
(Philippe Graffin photo: Benjamin Ealovega)